Sunday, July 11, 2010

Together or Apart?

This piece in particular has been one of the most interesting ones to make and to think up...
It symbolizes globalization and the effects we have on others as a consequence of our quickly shrinking world. All of the different shades of colors within the different areas act as a metaphor for the different cultures, countries, races, ideas, languages, religions in the world. The center shows how we are quickly becoming one color... or in other words all these different peoples around the globe are turning into a globalized world. The problem with that is though globalization is forcing us to become this world.... we are all still very much disunited and unwilling to open up to this new world we live in. Not to mention how unconscious we are of the huge impact our decisions have on the entire world whether it is as a country, or an individual.
So in conclusion the question remains... are we together or apart?

Please comment


  1. I love this! I was first drawn to the beautiful swirls of color then read your message and it all made sense! When I first read the message, then relooked at the painting I saw a candle - a flame- in the picture. Maybe that is not what it is suppossed to be, but it looks to me like "the light", the One that will bring us all back together in the end. Turmoil and mixing on the left, and the True Light on the right to bring back and restore hope to the world.'s beautiful! S.A.

  2. Thank you!!
    This is one of the one's that I really put a lot of thought into... I really wanted it to be exactly what I wanted... I had previously been working with stencil art and words.. which are pretty easy to manipulate into saying the right thing :P but paint and colors... well they are a different story.
    I used acrylics as a base and then oil pastels for the water drop.
    Thank you for your comment!!

